Saturday 11 January 2014

Where is Fernie?

Fernie is a little town, found in the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. There are about 4500 people who call Fernie "home. Perth, where you live has 1,700, 000: that's 377 times more people than Fernie!!!

Fernie is 15, 398 Km from Perth...if you were a bird, of course and could fly straight here across the Pacific Ocean. This would be the same as driving to Narnie's house and back to your place almost 1600 times!!!

Let's check it out on a map: come explore with us...

Can you find Perth? Can you find Fernie?
Ok let's get closer. Can you see the mountains? Can you find the river?
I bet you can see the river now in this map below. Can you see our house?
 There it is! Right by the Annex Park, duck pond and Elk River.
 Here is our house...from the front
 and now the back yard! See the trampoline!!! See the mountains!!!
Go to Google Maps and type in our address: 1002 11th Ave Fernie BC. 
Make sure you are on "Earth" mode and explore!!!

Sunday 5 January 2014

OMG OMG OMG The Browns Are Coming To Town!!!

Hi Brown Family!!!! 
The Fernie Fieldhouses are so excited you are coming to town. 
We needed a way to share counting down the days with you, so we thought we would make and share this blog. We 'd love to teach you a little about our country, our town, share our favourite things to do and see.
Check in every once in a while and get your stoke on!